Dr. Issam,
Since I started seeing you in March, I have felt considerable change and trust I am on full recovery.
Best regards.
ياي شو أرتحت الحمد لله
مش مصدق متل السحر
عن جد دكتور شكرا شكرا شكرا
Dr Ayache
You are like an angel send from GOD and thanks to you Iam walking again! May GOD always bless you and give health, happiness and long life!
De todo Corazon. Mil, mil gracias
Dr. Ayache,
I am so glad I visited your office from Montreal WOW. It feels wonderful!
Loved your work!!
Having pain in my neck and back and having been treated in France with no good results, came back to Lebanon immediately to Dr Ayache in whom I have trust and he is very efficient.
Thanks GOD I feel much better and I am in good health. Thanks Dr Ayache.
الله يخليننا ياك
Siham Kyriakos.
Your knowledge of the mechanics of the human body is a gift.
Sharing it so generously is a blessing.
We are lucky to have you in Beirut; I hope you will teach many what chiropractic with a heart is all about and how it heals bones and nerves.
After many years of chiropractic care…..
You are simply
I can’t thank you enough!!
Thank you Dr. Issam.
You are the true professional with a caring heart.
I appreciate your skill, your care and your friendship.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قال الله تعالى ( واذا مرضت فهو يشفين) . ببركة الله سبحانه وتعالى ومن خلال مراجعتي الاولى للدكتور عصام عياش وجدته مباشرة وضع يده على الجرح في تشخيص الالام التي اتعرض لها والحمد لله من خلال الجلسات على يد الدكتور الرائع ساكون بخير انشاء الله...
اقدم له الشكر والتقدير واشأل الله ان يضع على يده الشفاء لكل مريض في العالم والله ولي التوفيق.
ابراهيم سلمان الميالي
محافظ المثنى
جمهورية العراق
محافظة المثنى
From constant pain to no pain at all. Dr. Ayache is the only one I trust to fix and handle my body.
His healing hands and patience let me go about my day as if nothing is wrong.
Thank you
Two years ago I came to this clinic in excruciating back and neck pain. I was so depressed the pain made me surrender till I met you my doctor.
Now, after two year has passed, miraculously felt no pain what so ever as if you have magically casted the spell of healing on me.
You have restarted my utmost function and much better. Because of you, being a dentist, can work forever.
Thank you
Just to say that I felt much better after only one session which I consider amazing, after suffering from pain since more than 10 years, where I had to go through anti-inflammatory and hurt my stomach over and over again.
Dr. Ayache is my Magicien
Dr Ayache
My numbness in the leg seems to have gone away in just 2 sessions with you.
I hope it has gone for ever.
Thank you so much
It will be "The magic cure". I were to give another name to Dr. Ayache. The pain disappeared after the first session. You have golden healing hands. Thank you Dr. Ayache.
One adjustment, one solution, one breath unconstructed!
Thank you, Dr. Ayache. I feel like me again.
From day one, I felt the difference. I feel much better.
Thank you.
كلمة صغيرة تعبر عن فضلك دكتور عصام . أشكرك على اخلاقك العالية وعلى مساعدتك لي لان بفضلك انقذتني من عملية وأرحتني من كثير من أوجاع
أطلب من الله بطول عمرك ويزيدك تنور وصحة وعافية والأخرة الصالحة
الحمد لله تحسنت بعد 3 جلسات وأنا الان أمشي بطريقة افضل . شكرا دكتور عصام عياش
Thank you.
Thank you Dr Ayache for the precious assistance and support. I have already started feeling better after realizing some improvement after one visit.
Looking forward to meeting you on Thursday.
Dr. Issam,
What a pleasant personality YOU ARE.
Emitting Energy in all directions….
Dr. Ayache kind spirit reflects on his hands and heals all the pains, relaxes and comforts you.
Dr. IssamAyace is a GOD!
Dear Dr. Ayache,
It has been 5 months for me working at your clinic; I saw many doctors but never like you. You work with all your humanity, conscious and kindness. Even if you know that priorities of life need money, but that is not what you think about, the priority in your work is to heal people. Never thought about finding a doctor like you in my life, whom he treats his patients as friend and members of his family.
Thank you for being kind with me and considerable to what I’ve been through and still. Thank you my Angelic Doctor,
With love,
Smile always
Always wishing you waves of Love, Light
Dear Doc,
You are a real magician.
I love you.
I had been in pain for one whole year and you brought a smile on my face in two settings.
Thank you very much.
God bless you.
Thank you my best doctor. You are my angel Doctor Issam Ayache.
One session with Dr. Ayache makes you feel like flying on the moon. Results are 10 times better than any normal Physiotherapy.
يجب ان تكون الثقة موجودة بين المريض والطبيب من أجل الوصول الى الشفاء الكامل ، وهذا ما وجدته ولمسته في شخصيتكم الكريمة
مع تمنياتي لكم بالمزيد من التقدم والعطاء
Dr. Ayache is AWESOME!
In 2 visits, he took care of my back problem!
Michelle Sargent
Pasadena, California
Dear Issam,
Thank you so much for your great work and professionalism. I am particular impressed with the work you did on my wife. She now sleeps so well and has no complains about the back, all alone to your great skills and professionalism. We are grateful for your great work.
عندما تكون البسمة أول الدواء واللمسة آخرها شفاء لا بد ان تكون بين يدي ملاك من السماء
شكرا د. عصام العياش
I wish God to keep blessing Dr. Issam. Came in with a sprained knee and came out almost new with 10% pain or 90% pain reduction!
تعرفنا عليك منذ زمن طويل, ساعدت والدي لتجنب عملية في الرقبة وساعدت شقيقتي لتجنب عملية في الكتف, وانت دائما تعالج عائلتي من اوجاع في العمود الفقري والرقبة وتعالجني ايضا. لا اتمكن من اختصار اعمالك وخبرتك العلمية والعملية الكبيرة ببضع كلمات, الا انني اتمنى القول وبعفوية وصدق أن امثالك قلائل جدا في هذا الزمن الصعب من كافة النواحي.
أتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يحميك لك ولعائلتك الريمة الصحة والعافية وأن تبقى مثال الطبيب الذي يمارس مهنته كرسالة وليس لهدف مادي وغيره.
It was my pleasure to meet you Dr. Ayach. I already feel much better. Wish you a long life with your dear family.
Dr. Ayache is the first chiropractor who does not make me nervous when he does adjustments. I feel so safe with him & it’s easy to relax. Good medicine!
Dear Dr. Ayache;
It was my pleasure to come to your clinic and to receive such an amazingly effective spinal Chiropractic adjustment by you. I have seen several Chiropractors over the past twenty years of my life, and I can honestly affirm that you have given me the best spinal adjustment!
Thank you also for giving me your time and service to see me outside of your usual business hours.
This was my first chiropractic adjustment performed outside the USA and it was wonderful and better than what I have experienced in the USA. They need to clone Dr. Issam Ayache so that every chiropractor can be like him.
14 – January 2015
Adonis Fakhari
I love you Doctor.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
هذه اليد التي تعالج ليست يد عادية, انها بلسم العلاج لكل مريض حاول ان يجد علاج عند الاطباء.
وجع في اسفل الظهر (مزمن) لكن بفضل الله ومساعدة دكتور عصام الحمدلله اشعر ب 100% أفضل وتحسن فوري . لأن لقاء الأشخاص لقاء الأرواح . شكرا
حادث سبب بأعوجاج في العامود الفقري وطلب مني ان افعل عملية باعتبار أن الالتهاب قد اصاب كامل الأجزاء في الظهر . ولكن بفضل الله وفضل الدكتور عصام العياش قد اعانني في مشكلتي هذه وتم الشفاء بالكامل
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(( واذا مرضت فهو يشفين))
كنت اعاني من ألم في العمود الفقري ولمدة طويلة وعند زيارتي الى الدكتور عصام العياش بفضل الله سبحانه وتعالى تم علاجي بيده الفاضلة واصبحت في حالة جيدة أحسن من السابق وأسأل الله القدير أن يوفقه في عمل الخير والاصلاح
Dr. Issam
You’re a pain reliever.
Thank you sooo much….
Much love
I was in great hands with Dr. Ayache and I am leaving feeling much better & taller!
It is great relief to find Dr. Ayache.
7/10 Update
I was pleased to meet Dr. Ayache,
He is one of RARE PERSONS….
I am now, a friend to him and not a patient….
May God keep him as a role model to other doctors…. In our corrupt world….
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
"وقل ربي زدني علما"
بهذه الاية الكريمة يذكرنا الله عز وجل بأن العلم لا حدود له . فقد كنت اعاني من الم في الرقبة وحالتي على حبوب المهدئات.
الى ان التقيت بالدكتور عصام عياش وبدأ بالعلاجات . في ثالث جلسة احسست بالتحسن ولم اعد اتناول المسكنات بفضل الله والايادي التي يملكها الدكتور . بعد ان قالوا لي لا علاج لحالتي الا بالمسكنات والحمد لله فقد بدأت بالتحسن
Dr. Ayache is a magician
Dr. Ayache,
You are kind & knowledgeable!
Thank you for all your help!
شكرا كثيرا
Five appointments passed and I wish if I could take more, just to visit this great clinic and the best doctor.
Wish you all the best.
With love,
Thank you Doc. Issam El Ayache.
You are the professional and the best doctor in Lebanon….
Dr. Issam El Ayache amazing
Thank you…..
Calm, professional and a master of the neck and spine, coming to "chiropractic care" was indeed the best thing I have done to rid myself from pain.
You are THE BEST But a pain in the _ _ _ _
Wow, Amazing!
Thank you.
كنت اعاني من آلام مبرحة في أسفل ظهري منذ عدة أشهر. وتم تعريفي بالدكتور عصام العياش بواسطة احد الاشخاص. بعد ان عانيت من بعض الاطباء . اتيت الى العيادة وبدأت العلاج وخلال 3 جلسات بدأت اتحسن بنسبة 90 % .
Dr. Ayache
You are an amazing life changing doctor and I am very happy to have met such a shinning spirit that gives so much positive energy. You gave me back my health and took away all kinds of pain (physical and emotional)
Wish you an amazing life !!!
Dear Dr. Ayyash,
Many thanks for your help and kindness and we feel lucky and proud to have you as our doctor and friend as well.
Best regards.
Thank you Dr. Ayache for the very good treatment during my visits to your clinic. I have visited many doctors and osteopaths but I have got the best relief with your treatment.
Best wishes.
For the last 10 years Dr. Ayache has saved me from several painful situations involved with my knees and my disc problems. He is the ultimate expert in using the best techniques to relieve pain, in addition to his expert healing hands he is a PROFESSIONAL with high integrity and punctuality.
The best treatment I have ever had. Thank you Dr. Essam for your big help. You made my life easier& visiting you every time I am in Lebanon becomes a necessity & a must.
Not to say I am coming especially from abroad just to see you.
You are really an amazing best Doctor and I really recommend every patient with any kind of pain in your specialty to come and see you to get the best results. Thanks Dr. Ayache.
To the best dr. in the world. Thank you for relieving my pain.
Dr. Ayache is a miracle worker.
From the first visit, the pain in my lower back decreased by 70%.
Thank You Doctor
Dr. Ayache has really helped me. He made my pain go away. Other than being a good and wonderful Dr., he is extremely nice sociable and down to earth.
Just to say that I felt much better after only one session which I consider amazing, after suffering from pain since more than 10 years, where I had to go through anti-inflammatory and hurt my stomach over and over again.
Dr. Ayache is my Magicien
I'm so happy to have come back to you and to have your help, and I know that other members of my family will benefit from such a sincere friend and doctor.
Thank you for being there.
Camila M.
Jan, 16. 2015
اتيت الى الدكتور عصام العياش من الجنوب كنت اعاني من صداع مؤلم في الرأس وكنت استعين ب 12 حبات بنادول . اشكر الدكتور عصام العياش الذي خلصني من الدواء والالم
Merci beaucou
Great to be back in Beirut and see Dr. Ayache “the best in town”.
All the best and see you soon!
Thank you Dr. Ayache
We appreciate the self-confidence and the knowledge you have revealed. With the help of Almighty God and your sincere work I’m feeling much better.
Thank you again.
Dr Ayache
A pro beyond the call of duty. Changed my life to the better
Thank you
Dr. Ayach,
Today I received much more whatever I heard about your vast experience.
Many thanks in advance for the effort you’re doing to help me recover and feel better.
Honest professionals like you are blindly trusted.
Thank you.
Wajdi Zeineddine
Thank you so much Doctor Ayache. I can’t believe that I can feel this difference from the first session. It is amazing …. WOW
Dr Ayyache
I would personally like to thank you for being a Doctor of Chiropractic instead of western medicine whereas they are quick to recommend medication and surgery and not the adjustment of the spine to re-align for healing.
Thanks for your professional care with actual and experience of results,
Wirth warm regards
Marcus Kroft
انا طبيب اسنان من العراق اسمي خالد حليم .... جئت لبنان وانا حامل ألمي على كتفي وظهري وما ان التقت بالدكتور عصام العياش حتى زال الألم تماما وشعرت بالتحسن لخفت يده وطيب معشره وحسن أخلاقه واصفا لهذا الرجل العلمي الفني
Dr. Ayache is the kindest person I have met personally. He undoubtedly is a wizard. Like good wizard, in his domain.
God bless
ذهبت لعدة عيادات ورأيت عدة أطباء وكلهم قالوا لي بأنك لن تشفى من وجع ظهرك ... حتى جئت لعيادة الدكتور عصام عياش فتحسنت أكثر من 80 % خلال 3 جلسات ... فألف شكر وسأتابع العلاج حتى التحسن الكامل
Dr. Ayache, a healer, a friend. It’s a privilege to have him among us in Lebanon.
انا منير زايد من بلد العراق جئت الى الدكتور عصام العياش وانا بأسواء حلة من الوجع والالم في المفاصل والديسك واوجاع الظهر والحمد لله اولا وثانيا بفضل الدكتور العياش أكمل لي خمسة جلسات والحمد لله كل الالام ماكو وهذا فضل من الله تعالى وانا اشكر الدكتور على هذا الانجاز وبدون اي عملية.
أنا كتير مبسوطة عند الدكتور عصام . أول مرة بلشت صح
Dear Dr. Issam
From hell to heaven – that may seem dramatic. But really that’s how it was for me, Thanks to the expertize of Dr. Issam. Thankfully + thanks to him, I’m in heaven once more, can walk, swim + do yoga. Most of all I can live like …. Once again.
Thank you very much for your understanding, expertize and patience.
Best wishes & appreciation to the comfort he induces to my system. Long live Dr. Issam
I thank you so much. I can walk again!
It is like MAGIC!
Elmoutasem Aziz 13 – 14
Dr Ayache performs miracles. I can walk again! Thank you.
When I leave here I feel so light I could fly.
Thanks looool
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
أولا الله وفضل دكتور عياش عندي وجع قوي بالعمود الفقري جلسة واحدة صرت منيحة والحمدلله . والله يطول عمر دكتور عياش
After one session, I feel like a new born human.
Thanks Dr. Issam Ayache for making my backache disappear.
Sincerely yours,
This is to recommend Dr. Ayach for his excellent Chiropractic treatment for my wife and myself. He is treating his patients with care and in professional manner since 2004 and until now visiting him for treatment. He is an excellent and very good doctor in his time of kind of profession.
اشكر من صميم قلبي وجوارحي دكتور عياش على العلاج الممتاز الذي قام به وادعو له بالصحة والتوفيق وطول العمر
I did not understand how anyone can live without Dr. Ayache!!
Thank you for always being here.
As simple as that. It is magic. I am so happy to having you in my country.
أسعد صباحا عند رؤياك . نرجو ان تقوم مشاعرنا بالشكر المناسب ...
Amazing doctor.
Amazing results.
Never thought that I would recover to this extent and in such a short period of time!
Thank you
God Bless You
Dr. Ayache has really helped me. He made my pain go away. Other than being a good and wonderful Dr., he is extremely nice sociable and down to earth.
Many thanks Dr.
Le Magicien
Thank you Doctor Ayache. I did not think I would feel better from inside and outside so soon.
It is a pleasure to see your face. XXX
كما لا يطلب المطر من غير السحاب وكما لا يوجد للرزق غير باب كذلك لا يدرك الشفاء إلا من أشهر الأطباء
"د. عصام العياش"
I felt a lot better after the 2nd session with Dr. Issam and definitely advise anyone who has back or other pain areas in the body to seek Dr. Issam …
Thank you
الدكتور عصام العياش اروع طبيب . لقد عالجني مرتين فقط والحمدلله الوجع الصعب الذي كنت اعانيه لقد طاب الوجع بفضله . اتمنى له الصحة مع تقديري ومحبتي
Your charm and knowledge combined cured my medical problems.
Thanks very much.
Continue assisting with your scientific knowledge all those needing it.
المعاملة نصف الشفاء فكيف اذا كان الطبيب المعالج انسانيا في تعامله مع المريض الذي يتعلق بالأمل ليستكمل حياته النشطة والصحية والإيجابية
شكرا دكتور عياش
شكرا شكرا
Thank you so much Dr!
I experienced no pain in today’s workout; my shoulder seems to be much better… It was amazing hearing from you. You have reflected what an exceptional person and doctor you are, and that reassures me even more that I’m working with a real professional.
Thank you again
Dr Ayache is masterful as a chiropractor. I have been to many chiropractors before and he stands out because of his professionalism and his genuine care for his patients. I am delighted to have been his patient for the last six years and look forward to his treatments for years to come.
شكرا للدكتور عياش
إن علاجه لا يشبه المساجات الفيزيائية ولا يشبه العلاج الفيزيائي ولقد استفدت بنتيجة مبكره بظرف ثلاث جلسات . وانصح بهذا العلاج لان دام عندي التشنج 30 سنة وانا بعالج نفسي فيزيائيا ومساجات ولم الاقى نتيجة .
الله يعطيه القوه للدكتور عياش .
Dr. IssamAyache can walk on water.
Doctors are sometimes magicians too!
Best Chiropractor in the Middle East.
I was pleased to meet Dr AYACHE,
He is one of rare persons…..
He works with conscious and honesty……
I am now a friend to him and now a patient…..
I commend him and recommend him………..
May GOD keep him as a role model to other Drs……in our corrupt world….
Your charm and knowledge combined cured my medical problems.
Thanks very much.
Continue assisting with your scientific knowledge all those needing it.
Being in Lebanon without your ADJUSTMENTS would be a TRUE PAIN!
Thank you Dr. Ayache,
I have seen good chiropractors in the USA and Dubai for many years, but none has been as thorough, and none has provided the overall relief from pain that you have! I am so glad I found you – I am committed to seeing you every time I am in Beirut!
Alf Shukran,
from New York
In 3 treatments I got better and I thank you so much D. Ayache.
كانت حالتي يرثى لها من حوالي 4 أشهر ... لم أكن استطيع الوقوف جالسا وكنت دائما امشي منحنية الظهر ... ابتسم لي الحظ عندما ارسلني اخي عند الدكتور عصام العياش حيث كتب لي الله الشفاء على يده . الله يحميك ويرضى عنك يا احسن دكتور .... انام واستيقظ وفي كل موعد صلاة أدعو لك من كل قلبي بالخير والتوفيق ...
Dr Ayache is the best chiropractor I have ever met; He has gifted hands in adjusting the spine very accurately without any side effects that usually happen…… I have seen few chiropractors after he left Abu Dhabi and no one is as good as him.
Dr Ayache is a rare doctor in this world, with nice sense of humor, nice social person and a very professional doctor, he understands exactly what you need from the first checkup and adjusts…..
All respect and regards from me to you doctor and I hope I can see you again
Abdulhakim Aljaabree
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Thank you Dr. Issam it’s a Miracle, I can’t believe that the first session I felt so much better.
Thank you for your healing hands.
Allah فوق
Dr. Ayache on Earth
Best Docteur
A miracle worker!
A fiend more than a doctor
So kind and lovable
Thanks for your kindness and generosity. You are my healer.
Thank you I already appreciate your help. No one was able to fix my back so far, and from two sessions I already feel much better.
See you Monday
After two years suffering from my left hand pain, I reached to a place that no doctor could help me.
Coming to Dr. Issam and immediately after my first visit, I felt like a miracle happened to me when I could sleep one night without any pain killer.
Now after six visits, my condition now is excellent, I barely feel any pain after losing hope that I will improve.
Thank you Dr. Issam, you are simply the BEST.
After the first session done for me . I feel very good and healthy and stopped having migraine. Thank you Dr. Ayache.
R. Rakena
New Zealand 20 / 12 / 2015
Dr Ayache is the magician. I come to him when medicines are not capable of affecting my condition, where as he does it almost effortlessly and with much needed care.
R. Jabbour
United Kingdom
Thank you doctor Issam! You are the VERY BEST!
كنت اعاني من آلام مبرحة في أسفل ظهري منذ عدة أشهر. وتم تعريفي بالدكتور عصام العياش بواسطة احد الاشخاص. بعد ان عانيت من بعض الاطباء . اتيت الى العيادة وبدأت العلاج وخلال 3 جلسات بدأت اتحسن بنسبة %90